Since 2020, we have provided over 10,000 pounds of meat for families in need.
Passion turned providing.
Our names are Tim + Kelli Boetsma and we have always seen hunting as a way to provide for our family. Tim has high energy and passionately seeks the best way to secure meat to feed his family all year long. I grew up with hunting as a hobby for those in my family but as Tim and I spent more time together, I saw hunting as a way to feed my family. Trying new recipes and meals turned into processing our own meat and that further turned in to wanting to help feed those around us.
When Doe Patrol started, we figured it would be a way to help feed others and raise some funds to support local nonprofits. We had no idea God will bless us two fold and increase our growth exponentially. We couldn’t do it without the support of our families, friends and hunting community. HIS plan is always greater than ours. We pray He continues to bless this organization so we can continue to bring more meat to pantries and get more hunters in the outdoors no matter their abilities.
Our Team
This team has helped us succeed in so many ways. We are grateful for their passion, drive, work ethic and selflessness.
Alex Hunt
Austin Petter
Brandon Roon
Grant Boetsma
Mikal MacDonald
Mike Mokma
Noah VanDenBrink
Do you process all of the meat yourselves?
For the most part, yes! All of the meat that has been donated has been given to us as a donation that we then process with the help of our team and other volunteers.
I shot a deer and want to donate it, what do I do now?
Text DONATE to 616-953-9037 and follow the instructions from there.
Can I come and learn how to process?
Absolutely! We tend to post on our social medias which nights we are planning on processing. We also try to have a few nights that are specifically about teaching others how to process.
Are you planning to expand to other areas in the state?
In time, yes. If you live in an area that you think would benefit from having it’s own Doe Patrol East/Northern/Central/etc. Michigan, send us an email at doepatrolmi1@gmail.com and we would love to connect.
I do not live in West Michigan, how do I get involved?
Buying merchandise! All of the profits from our merchandise sales goes towards purchasing materials to help process the meat (ie. knives, bags, sealers, etc.). So in a way, when you purchase a hat, sweatshirt, sticker, etc. you are helping feed the hungry!
I would like to donate monetarily to help, how do I do that?
We greatly appreciate when people choose to support us financially. If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at 616-953-9037 or email us at doepatrolmi1@gmail.com.